#1: Carpe Demon: Adventures of a Demon-Hunting Soccer Mom When minions of hell infest her small California town, retired demon-hunter Kate Connor's the busiest soccer mom on the block. Read more... |
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#2: California Demon: The Secret Life Of A Demon-hunting Soccer Mom Kate Connor is back—battling demons, trying to figure out why her daughter's chemistry teacher seems so familiar, worrying about her daughter's crush on a surfer dude, and every once in a while, dusting under the sofa. Read more... |
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#3: Demons Are Forever: Confessions Of A Demon-hunting Soccer Mom Kate's back—and with husband woes playing havoc with her emotions, an ambitious teen nipping at her heels, and a precious item that the demons are just drooling to get their claws on—this mom's putting in a lot of overtime. Read more... |
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#4: Deja Demon: The Days And Nights Of A Demon-hunting Soccer Mom The High Demon Goramesh has returned to San Diablo—this time with a full-blown army of the undead and a plan to get rid of Kate before she can get rid of him. And once again, it's up to Kate to save the world. Good thing she can multitask. Read more... |
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#5: Demon Ex Machina: Tales Of A Demon-hunting Soccer Mom With her first husband possessed by a demon and her current husband spending way too much time at home, Demon Hunter Kate Connor is having one hell of a month... Read more... |
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Story Behind the Story
Kate Connor has become much like a best friend. And like a good friend, we became acquainted in the most unexpected of ways.
It was 2003, and I was up for contract with Pocket, and trying to think of something to submit as my option book. I'd just written two romantic comedies for them, and wanted to go with a romance series, possibly paranormal. I had an image of a group of guys—very alpha males—with long, black leather coats that billowed as they marched over the marshy ground, each searching out evil, battling it, and finding love in the process.
At the same time, I was a relatively new mom, and the chick lit market was just taking off. I wanted to do something mommy-ish, though. And as I was brainstorming both of these desires with my critique partner, Kathleen O'Reilly, I had one of those V-8 moments. Or, to create a better metaphor, I had a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup moment: two great tastes that go great together. A soccer mom. And a demon-hunter.
Right then, Kate was born, and I banged out the first chunk of chapter one. It hasn't changed much since that first hour at the keyboard. (Though the title did change: Demons & Dirty Diapers really didn't do it for anyone.)
I tentatively sent it to my agent to see what she thought. Fortunately, she loved it, and I put together a proposal. We sent it to multiple publishers, Berkley snatched it up, and days later, Hollywood came knocking. The series is now coming up on it's fourth book, and is in development with Warner Brothers and 1492 Pictures.
Kate's life is becoming more and more complicated, too. But don't worry. She can slay a demon with a stiletto heel and take out a nest of vampires with a crucifix and a bottle of Diet Coke. I'm sure she'll get out of this mess okay. Trouble is, there's a new mess waiting for her just around the corner...
Pick up a book and join the fun! And I hope you love Kate as much as I do.
Julie Kenner